As told by our founder and CEO, JP Udenenwu (2019)
"About 3 or 4 years ago, I worked at Taco Cabana as a cook. One day, our manager left some pancake mix behind and when I saw it, I felt the urge to make pancakes. I started by looking around the shop for things to add to this mix and made my first solid batch after the second try. I made some for my coworkers and they loved them!
The best way to describe the moments following is what I would consider similar to that of an out-of-body experience; I was looking at myself watching everyone captivated by what they were eating, in slow motion. What I enjoyed most about that moment was realizing that something I created with my hands was responsible for the energy and joy-filled atmosphere that night. The, in-this-moment-nothing-else-matters, feeling. So naturally, I craved more positive attention.
I began to take these pancakes everywhere. I started with my own apartment and my roommates approved. Then I took them to parties, to my university’s student center and before I knew it, I had random people asking me about pancakes. I got invited to cook breakfast at some pretty big events like a men’s retreat, and a wedding!! Throughout this whole time, there was a phrase among people that would try my food that separated itself among the rest; “These are the best pancakes I’ve ever had.” And the crazy thing is, I didn’t hear it from just one person. As I’m writing this to you, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve heard this hundreds of times, from so many people. that does something to you. you start to believe you're sitting on a gold mine.
From this point on, I couldn’t sleep. I became a pancake-ologist, and the turning point from this being an appetizing hobby to actually pursuing this as a business was watching the movie CHEF. I had never been so inspired by a film in my life. I got on the internet that night and started looking for trailers and how much it would cost to get something up and running. I started making plans to save my money to make this possible.
In conclusion, no I wasn’t a 10-year old, or a 16-year old kid with a chef hat that loved cooking and one day dreamed of having his own food trailer. The reason I’m strongly convicted in my faith is because I would never have picked this for myself, so I've taken that reasoning and ran with it.
I can’t wait for what’s next and I'm grateful to everyone that has come alongside us in this journey. Stay tuned!"